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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 23 2014

     Spent the day on the water with anglers Steven and Mark and though the weather was on our side the fish made us work for them....

     We started the morning fishing beads under a float and Steven hooked up in no time only to get a couple good head shakes then spit the hook. After another hour we decided to switch to diver and coon shrimp, we sent them out a gave a few strokes on the oars and Mark (who by the way is just 14) had his rod bury and with NO hesitation had the rod out of the holder and the hook set. We fought the fish downstream maybe 50 yards, got it up to the boat where we could see it was a gorgeous wild fish, I grabbed the pliers and released the fish, we gave some high-fives and got ready to do it again.
     We moved the boat back into the current and sent the divers out again. We were halfway through this drift when Marks rod hammered again, and like a well oiled machine had the rod in his hands and control of the fish. It was another wild fish that put up a great fight before being released.
     We fished hard for the rest of the day, switching up tactics to no avail. All in all a great day, the weather was perfect, we caught a couple nice steelhead and shared the day with a couple GREAT anglers and even BETTER people!